Tuesday, May 15, 2012

New Showers in pool dressing rooms.

No  pictures yet but we are remodeling our showers in our main pool building in both the men and ladies restroom.    The new showers will have metered valves to conserve water and sewer usage.  The best thing about the new showers is they will be naturally heated.  The water from the spring will be piped to the showers making them a consistent warm temperature of about 103-110 degrees.  No more cold showers when the guests leave the showers running!   A shower at the hot tub was installed to accommodate guests until the new showers can be completed.  The new showers should be completed sometime this week.  Our buildings, decks, sidewalks, cabins and yurts are all heated with the hot spring water.  Pictures coming soon of the new showers!

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